Funds in Arts, Culture & Heritage

Castle in the Clouds (Castle Preservation Society) Fund
1 nonprofit
Castle in the Clouds (Castle Preservation Society) Fund
Castle in the Clouds is located high in the Ossipee Mountains overlooking Lake Winnipesauke. This landmark estate was built in 1914 by shoe magnate Thomas Plant and is now a house museum, open to the public and surrounded by 5,400 acres of pristine forestland protected by our partners the Lakes Region Conservation Trust. In the 17 years since the Castle Preservation Society took over the restoration of the historic buildings and management of the attraction, the Castle has evolved into a valued community resource in addition to being an important NH tourist destination. The Castle serves the region with a wide variety of public programs, an outstanding restaurant with special Music Nights, an award-winning wedding venue, and exciting educational programming for local schools. We have over 50,000 in-person visitors annually, with hundreds of thousands of views of our website and social media channels. The Castle Preservation Society’s mission is to preserve, interpret and share the buildings and landscape of the Castle in the Clouds as a cultural and educational resource for the benefit of the public. Each visit supports our mission to preserve, restore, and share this beautiful New Hampshire icon. Admission fees, restaurant or gift shop purchases, and wedding and event rental fees help to ensure the enjoyment and enrichment of generations to come. Integrity – Our work is grounded in honesty, transparency, and a commitment to professionalism and ethical behavior: we present historical information that is accurate and well-researched. Collaboration – Open communication and teamwork are essential to our success, and we seek out partnerships that enhance and expand our impact. Community – Our organization brings together visitors, staff, volunteers, donors, and partners from all walks of life: we strive to make Castle in the Clouds as accessible and inclusive as possible. Improvement – Through hard work and adaptability we are constantly looking for new ways to engage our audiences and provide them with the highest quality experiences in all that we do. Sustainability – We protect the Lucknow Estate by being financially responsible, minimizing our impact on the environment, and ensuring faithful preservation of the buildings and grounds entrusted to our care.
Lichtjesroute Eindhoven Fund
1 nonprofit
Lichtjesroute Eindhoven Fund
Support for the Lichtjesroute Eindhoven, a yearly event celebrating the liberation of Eindhoven. De Lichtjesroute is een 22 kilometer lang, met elektrische ornamenten verlicht traject, door de stad Eindhoven. De gekleurde lampen branden vanaf 18 september tot de tweede zondag in oktober. De Lichtjesroute is gelegen op de openbare weg, vertrekken kan op elk willekeurig punt en alles voor iedereen gratis toegankelijk. Het meest geniet je van de ornamenten als je de fiets neemt, dan ben je globaal twee uur onderweg. Kinderen hebben het meest plezier van de route, die jaarlijks tweehonderdduizend bezoekers telt. Het succes van de Lichtjesroute is vooral gebaseerd op de bereidwilligheid van een honderdtal vrijwilligers en de hulp van vele sponsoren. To commemorate our liberation and to express this in a “Eindhoven-way”, the citizens placed in 1945 candles and light bulbs, just after the second World War. Since 1984 this tradition is repeated every year in a modern way to make a 22 km route through Eindhoven, that is illuminated by lights. By using hundreds of thousands of light bulbs, LED’s and gas-discharge lamps, volunteers spend their free time to entertain 200.000 people every year that drive, walk or cycle this light route. For this event, several dozen of volunteers, kilometers of cable, lots of lamps and lots of time and sponsors, are put in this magnificent event. With the design of stylized subjects all visitors are amazed by the beauty of light.